Sunday, February 5, 2012

Picnic at Cooroy Botanical Gardens and Climbing Mt Cooroora at Pomona

Last year Isaac's end of year school excursion was to the Cooroy Botanical Gardens (which is actually called the Noosa Botanical Gardens but it is at Cooroy).
The rest of us had never been so I decided it would be a good place for a picnic and some photo snapping.
It was a little run down, but a lovely place to have a picnic, beside the amphitheatre and Lake MacDonald. And it was a great place for the kids to run around and discover amazing things.

The amphitheatre

Lake MacDonald


Stone sculpture titled 'To Love and To Cherish'

Giant Tree Fern frond

Heart shaped sprinklers were all over the gardens

On the way home Rob was going to stop at Pomona for his usual mountain climb up Mt Cooroora (the King of the Mountain mountain!). This time he suggested we all go up "just the first little bit", to used his words. Well let me tell you, the first bit is NOT little! I was not in good walking clothes, it was stinking hot (I had sweat dripping off my eyelashes), and I discovered what I'd always suspected to be true...this body is not made for mountain climbing. I had attempted to climb it a couple of years ago...when I was very mentally prepared. This time I was not and I am never doing that again!

These were the only photos I could get because I was absolutely exhausted. Meanwhile Super Dad Rob had enough energy to piggy back Ava up and down the mountain!